NEET (UG) 2022 Exam

NEET (UG) 2022 Exam Tips and Guidance


NTA (National Testing Agency) has been conducting the NEET exam since 2019. It is a national-level eligibility cum entrance exam for all undergraduate medical courses in India. Thus, any student who wishes to seek admission into AYUSH, medical and dental courses in Indian colleges has to take this exam. This year, NEET (UG) is set to happen on the 17th of July. The exam will be conducted for 200 minutes (3 hours 20 minutes) in 13 different languages.

The admit card for this offline examination was released on the official website of NTA on 12 July. Students should check the details in the admit card and take a printout of the same for future references. There are many such points to keep in mind both before and after writing NEET. Here, let us discuss a few such points.

Avoid Last-minute Learning

It is normal for every student to be tense before the exam. It is also important to keep the stress well under control. Moreover, each student will be receiving the question paper in different codes. The order of questions also plays a significant role in deciding one’s performance. The candidates can also make use of the NEET 2022 question paper with pdf downloads to analyse the different codes. The questions asked in every code paper will be the same; only the order differs.

One need not worry much about this if they have prepared well. To get the best out of the preparations, avoid last-minute revisions. Stay calm and composed a few hours before the exam. If possible, avoid learning new concepts at least 24 hours before the exam.

Time Management

The exam is scheduled to happen from 2 pm to 5.20 pm. The exam centres will open two hours before the exam timings. Also, students are expected to be seated at their venue at least 30 minutes before the exam. Late comers won’t be entertained. Thus, try to reach the venue well in advance. Moreover, students wearing religious or customary dresses or articles should reach the venue a couple of hours earlier.

After the exam starts, it is important to manage the time for each question accordingly. Always start with easy and known questions and save the difficult ones for the last. This is where practising mock test papers will come to aid. Prioritise subjects and questions according to your strengths and weaknesses. Daily practice of NEET MCQs will give an idea of which questions can be left unattempted. Manage your time according to the question’s difficulty level. One has to answer 180 MCQs in 200 minutes. Thus, you approximately have one minute to answer each question. Do not spend more than 30 to 40 seconds on easy questions. Save the time and use it for different ones.

Get Enough Rest

After the exams, reach home and rest for a few hours. Do not look for the answers at once. There is a high chance of getting the wrong responses if the answers are searched with stress.  Wait for the NEET 2022 answer key update. After getting the answer key, cross-check with your responses and derive a tentative score. Compare the scores with previous years’ cut-off. This will give an idea of how to proceed further.

Based on the rough scores, plan for the further counselling process. Also, it is important to stay calm and positive till the official results are announced. Avoid excess screen time as it not only causes distractions but will also invariably increase stress levels. Wait for the officials to release individual score cards and the all-India merit list. Keep a check on the official website for more updates on this crucial information.

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