your future home

3 methods to design the plans of your future home


The images of your future home scroll through your head. Each piece is reflected in your mind down to the last detail. The land that will host the house of your dreams is just waiting to start construction. But first of all, you must materialize on paper the fruit of your reflection. You need to design the plans for your house. How do you do it? Developing your project plans can be approached in different ways. We detail the implementation of these processes.

What do we mean by house plan?

Few people know it, but several plans are necessary to obtain the necessary building permit :

The location plan, which determines the location of the land in relation to the municipality and which indicates its orientation or the town planning rules.

The layout plan or ground plan, which represents two distinct graphical views of the land — before and after construction. The vegetation, the garden, the existing buildings are detailed there. Information is also provided on the location planned for the connections to the networks or for the installation of the sanitation system. Floor carpets covers the whole area in just one piece of carpet. Parquet flooring Dubai creates a lovely and decent look on a floor. The floor carpet is attached to the floor with the help of gum around the corners so the carpet cannot move. At Grass carpet, we have an unlimited collection of carpets to choose from.

The facade plan, which describes the external appearance of the house.

The cutting plan, which exposes the interior of the house and informs about the earthwork to be planned for your construction.

The technical plans, which designate all the installations (electricity, plumbing, etc.).

The plans of your house are essential to start construction. They establish the link between the ground and the house, and even organize the interior according to rooms and technical installations. The plans express your choices and expectations in compliance with town planning rules. Their design therefore requires great know-how. Nevertheless, you can draw up the plans for your future home yourself.

contemporary house plan 2

House project: design the plans yourself

Some people decide to draw up their house plans on their own. Their motivations are, for the most part, economic. Designing construction plans independently is quite possible. However, this business requires great skills , as well as professional tools.

A plethora of software exists for this purpose. Free or paid, they help you design the plans for your house. However, be careful not to rush. Drafting plans requires time, method and meticulousness. Thus, you must answer several fundamental questions:

What dimensions corresponds to the living area of ​​your building?

Do you want a two-storey or single-storey house?

How many rooms are you planning in your project?

How do you want to arrange your rooms (open kitchen, master bedroom, workspace, etc.)

You now have very precise specifications. Believe us, this approach will facilitate the realization of the plans of your house.

Designing plans for a house: calling on an architect

The help of a professional is often inescapable to design the plans for a future home. The architect has all the knowledge to carry out these formalities.

On the one hand, he stays abreast of the countless laws and standards that govern the construction of houses. In addition, local urban plans differ according to the municipalities, and certain laws apply in specific cases. In summary, the architect guarantees the legality of your construction and saves you a lot of time.

On the other hand, the architect gives you access to a catalog of plans he has already drawn. You thus visualize the whole of a project and that can give you ideas for your future construction. In addition, the architect drafts tailor-made house plans. Admittedly, the budget may be high, but if you have an original architectural project, he will be able to make it happen.

Finally, calling on an architect is sometimes mandatory. If the floor area of ​​your house exceeds 150 m², you must legally hire an architect to draw up your plans.

landes house builder

A home builder to realize your plans

Last possibility: entrust your house plans to a builder. A home construction company accompanies you from the beginning to the end of your project . At Maisons MCA, we help you draw up the plans for your home.

First, we define the budget that covers your entire project. This includes the cost of the plans for the house, but also that of your future cozy nest. Regarding the land, you have two choices. Or, you already have land suitable for construction, in which case you must move on to the next phase. Either, you choose a land among the many that we offer.

The plans of your house are conceptualized according to your choices. We offer pre-designed house plans, on which you can draw inspiration for your future construction. Of course, we can also design the layout of your tailor-made house plans. In all cases, Maisons MCA offers you personalized guidance and support.

You have the different options to design the plans of your house. Certainly, designing your own plans is a source of great pride, but the realization of each plan is complex. In the event of an administrative refusal, due to a breach of the rules, the construction may take a delay of several months. Therefore, the help of a professional — architect or home builder — should not be overlooked.

At Maisons MCA, we make every effort to design house plans that suit you. Rest assured, if your house project exceeds a living area of ​​150 m², we are still at your side. Our team will call on a quality architect to create the plans for your home.

Do not hesitate to contact us, in order to expose us in detail your project of life. Maisons MCA remains your preferred partner in this magnificent adventure of building your future home.

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